Friday, November 14, 2008

Fun Run

Each year, 10 third grade girls and boys from Coulson Tough participate in the CISD Fun Run. This year several children from our class (and Mrs. Richardson's class) qualified to represent the Titans at the event. Ethan, Kevin, Gabriel, Madison, Sara L, and Adriana represented Coulson Tough so well. I was so proud of our runners!

Way to go Titans!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day at Couslon Tough

The students of Coulson Tough participated in our own school-wide election today! Each student cast their vote in the computer lab after carefully considering the candidates and studying the issues.

In our class, we wrote in our draft books about which presidential candidate we would choose. It was interesting to hear which issues were important to our kids!

We created a bar graph to show the data collected in our own classroom election. It was a close race!

I was so proud of the children and I know they will be responsible voters someday!