Friday, June 27, 2008

A New Adventure

Dear Students and Families,

We had a wonderful year together! I am proud to have taught you and learned with you this year. You worked hard and I saw you grow a lot! I hope that you are proud of yourselves as well. I can hardly believe that you will be fourth graders in a few short months - it will be a new adventure! Rest well this summer and enjoy the time you have with your family. Remember to read often and never stop learning!

As you all know, I will also be beginning a new adventure next year. I will be teaching 3rd grade at Coulson Tough School in The Woodlands, a city north of Houston. I decided to make the move in order to be closer to my family, who live in Houston as well. It is sad for me to leave my Gator family! I have LOVED being a part of Hargrave for the past 4 years and watching the kids grow up before my eyes. What an incredible blessing!

I'll continue to post on this website for my new classroom, so you are always welcome to take a look if you're interested in what I'm up to next year! Please also keep me updated on your families as well - I would love your emails and phone calls!

Thank you for a wonderful year and meaningful friendships with you all. I will miss you like crazy!

Much love,

Miss Bates : )

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