Sunday, April 4, 2010

Egg Hunt

Our kindergarten egg hunt was a huge success! This year the kids hunted for "sight word eggs" - checking off the words from their lists as they hunted. It added an element of reading to our fun egg hunt and also ensured that we would have more than 30 seconds of a mad dash to the eggs.

To collect our eggs, the kids turned regular gift bags into bunnies. I was happy to let my kids get the scissors and construction paper and go! They did an incredible job - the students ALWAYS create better artwork than I could ever model for them.

The only thing better than one bunny bag is... lots of them!

We hunted for our sight word eggs on the playground and the sight of all of those eggs was almost more than they could bear. I attemped to get a photo of the starting line, but I was nearly trampled when we let the kids go! There were hundreds of eggs to hunt and they sure didn't waste any time!

In the end, we were happy bunnies! The kids did a wonderful job reading their sight word eggs and showing off all they've learned so far in kindergarten. Yay for K5!

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