Thursday, September 15, 2011

O is for Octopus Stew

We learned about the letter Oo and had an O party! The kids each made an octopus (didn't they turn out cute?!)

They worked hard to accordion fold the legs and make sure he had eight of them!

We served "Octopus Stew" (thanks to Amy Eads for her creativity!!)

The delicious dish - (hotdogs with a "haircut", dipped in ketchup and mustard and served with a side of cheerios and orange juice!)

I overheard one student asking another, What is octopus stew?
The first little girl responded, Hotdogs and chocolate chips.
The choral response from the table group? YUM!

All I can say is that it was an interesting combo and my classroom smelled like hotdogs for the rest of the day~

Everyone enjoyed the fun and the O party was a great success!

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